Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June's Sexy Phantom

Since I have been praising the Sgouros & Bell Phantom so much, and since it's the beginning of June and time for a new sexy phantom of the month, I have decided that it's only fitting that this month's sexy Phantom should be Eric Fletcher. I hope he is not offended. So Phatom lovers everywhere who read my blog - enjoy June's sexy Phantom. Perhaps I should create a calendar for 2011 with just sexy phantom pictures ;)


  1. I'm flattered. Thanks so much for all the kind words and support. June is my birthday month so I guess that makes it Extra Special.


  2. Glad you are flattered and not bothered - that's awesome that for your birthday month you were made sexy phantom too - glad to make your month extra special - hope your birthday was great - I'm working on coming back to Sgouros & Bell phantom - my boyfriend is supposed to come with me and I'm bringing another phan in October hopefully :)
